The boarded window

 The boarded window

There was a small town nestled in a valley surrounded by hills. In this town, there was a small cottage on the outskirts that had a peculiar feature – the boarded window. No one knew who lived in the cottage or why the window was boarded up. There were many rumors about the cottage, and people would often avoid going near to the cottage, but no one dared to enter.


One day, a young girl named Sarah came to the town to visit her grandmother. She had heard about the boarded window and was curious to know the story behind it. Her grandmother told her that the cottage had been abandoned for many years and that no one had seen the occupant. She also told Sarah about a rumor that the previous occupant had been a witch who had cursed the cottage and anyone who dared to enter it.

Sarah was fascinated by the story and decided to investigate the cottage. Sarah went near to the cottage and seeing through the boarded window, but it was too dark to see anything. She was about to leave when she heard a faint whisper. She leaned in closer and heard the whisper again, "Help me."

Sarah was terrified but also curious. She knew that she had to help whoever was inside the cottage. She found a hammer and chisel nearby and began to remove the boards from the window. As the last board fell, the light flooded into the room, revealing an old woman lying on the floor.

The old woman was weak and could barely speak, but she told Sarah her story. She had lived alone in the cottage for years and had fallen ill. She had no family or friends to care for her and had been lying on the floor for days, unable to move.


Sarah felt sorry for the old woman and decided to take care of her. She brought her food and water and tended to her wounds. Over the next few days, the old woman regained her strength, and they became friends. The old woman told Sarah about her life and how she had been shunned by the town for being different.

Sarah realized that the rumors about the cottage and the old woman were untrue. She saw that the old woman was kind and caring, and she had been misunderstood by the villagers of the town.

The news of Sarah's discovery spread quickly, and the villagers came to see the old woman. They were surprised to see that the occupant of the cottage was not a witch but an old woman who needed their help.

The boarded window of the cottage had kept the old woman hidden from the world, but it was Sarah's curiosity and courage that had uncovered her. Sarah had shown the villagers that the old woman was not a witch but a person in need of help and kindness.

From that day on, the villagers looked after the old woman, and Sarah visited her every day. The boarded window of the cottage had become a symbol of hope and compassion for the village, reminding them that there is often more to a person's story than what meets the eye.

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