Hare and tortoise story

 Hare and tortoise story 

Many of us read and watch Hare and tortoise story from generation to generation and teach us the moral of story. Here it is once again explain for new kids and learn a life lesson from this story. 

Once upon a day time, in a peaceful forest, there lived a hare and a tortoise. The hare was known for his fast speed, but the tortoise was known for his slow and steady pace. They often competed in races, and the hare would always wins the race.


One day, the hare was boasting about his speed, and the tortoise challenged him to a race. The hare, feeling confident as usual, accepted the challenge.

Slow and steady win the race

The day of the race arrived, and all the animals of the forest gathered to watch. The hare, being over confident, and slept before the race, while the tortoise started the race right away.

The hare woke up late and saw that the tortoise was already far ahead. Hare thinks that he would win race "This is going to be easy. I can catch up to him in no time." And with that, the hare zoomed off at his top speed.

As the hare got closer to the tortoise, he started to get tired, and so he slowed down to catch his breath. Hare thought to take a quick nap, and then I will catch up with the tortoise in no time."

So the hare slept under the tree, and when he woke up, he saw that the tortoise had already crossed the finish line. The hare was shocked and disappointed. He had lost the race to the tortoise.


The tortoise was declared the winner, and he was awarded a golden trophy. The hare was embarrassed, and he promised himself that he would never underestimate anyone again.

As the days passed, the hare realized that he had learned a valuable lesson. He became friends with the tortoise and learned that slow and steady wins the race.


One day, the hare heard about a new race that was going to take place in the forest. This time, the race was not just about speed but also about intelligence and knowledge.

The hare thought to himself, "This is my chance to prove to everyone that I am not just fast but also smart." So he prepared for the race by studying and learning as much as he could.

The day of the race arrived, and all the animals of the forest gathered to watch. The race started, and this time, the hare was not just fast, but he was also clever. He used his knowledge to overcome obstacles and make the right decisions.


In the end, the hare won the race, and he was declared the winner. The tortoise was happy for his friend and congratulated him on his victory.

The twist in the story came when the hare realized that he couldn't have won the race without the tortoise's help. He remembered how the tortoise had taught him the value of slow and steady, and how he had inspired him to learn and become knowledgeable.

So the hare gave the golden trophy to the tortoise, saying, "This trophy belongs to you. Without you, I would never have won this race and your my guidance and mentor. So this is not just my victory, but it's our victory."

The tortoise was touched by the hare's gesture, and he realized that true friendship is not just about winning or losing but about supporting and helping each other.

From that day on, the hare and the tortoise were not just competitors, but they were also the best of friends. They continued to have races, but this time, they ran together, side by side, enjoying each other's company and learning from each other's strengths.

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