The haunted mansion

 Horror stories 

An old Disneyland Haunted mansion stood on the outskirts of town in a small village in the countryside. The chateau had been deserted for a long time, and many accepted that it was reviled.


One dark and stormy night, a group of young friends decided to investigate the mansion. They had heard rumors that strange things happened on "The Haunted Mansion"and they wanted to see for themselves.

The Haunted mansion

As they made their way to the mansion house, they couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. The wind howled, and the trees swayed ominously in the dark. When they finally reached the mansion, they noticed that the front door was slightly ajar it was like haunted mansion movie

They hesitated for a moment but ultimately decided to push open the door and step inside. As soon as they entered, they were met with a musty smell, and the sound of creaking floorboards echoed throughout the mansion.


The group of friends cautiously made their way through the mansion house apartments, exploring each room. As they ventured deeper into the mansion, strange things began to happen.

Objects moved on their own, doors slammed shut, and eerie whispers could be heard in the distance. The group of friends started to feel uneasy, and they knew they had to find a way out.

But as they tried to leave, they realized that they were trapped. The mansion had become a labyrinth, and every turn led them deeper into the heart of the mansion.

They suddenly were realized that they were not alone in the mansion house. They could hear footsteps behind them, and they felt a cold breath on their necks. It seems somebody is watching. 

The group of friends huddled together, trying to figure out what to do next in the haunted mansion. They knew that they had to find a way out, but the mansion seemed to have a life of its own.

Suddenly, the door to one of the rooms burst open, and a figure emerged from the darkness. It was a woman, dressed in tattered clothes, with wild hair and bloodshot eyes. The group of friends tried to run, but the woman chased after them, laughing maniacally.

They ran through the mansion, trying to lose the woman, but she was always one step behind them. Finally, they reached the front door, and with a burst of energy, they pushed it open and ran outside.


The rain had stopped, and the moon was shining bright. They collapsed on the ground, gasping for air, relieved to be free from the mansion.

As they caught their breath, they realized that they had narrowly escaped a fate worse than death. They knew that the mansion was truly cursed, and they promised never to go back again.

From that day on, the mansion remained abandoned, and the people of the village never spoke of it again. It had become a symbol of evil, a place that was best left forgotten.

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