The fox and the crow

The Fox and the crow

 This is a story of "The Fox and the crow"how Fox trick the crow and how crow realizes his mistake and learn from it. 


Fox finding his meal 

 Fox was always on the lookout for an easy meal in dense forest. He would roam around the forest, looking for an opportunity to catch a prey without much effort.

One day, as the fox was wandering around, he spotted a crow sitting on a tree branch. The crow had a piece of cheese in its beak, which the fox found very tempting. The fox thinking how to get that cheese from the crow."

The fox, being a master of deception, came up with a plan. He went up to the crow and said, "Hello, my dear friend! You look beautiful. Your voice must be as sweet as your appearance. Kindly Would you please sing a song for me?"

The crow was flattered by the fox's words and, being a lover of music, opened her beak to sing. But as soon as she did, the cheese slipped from her beak, and the fox snatched it up in his jaws.

The crow was left empty-handed, and the fox ran away, laughing. The crow realized that she had been tricked and felt very foolish. She also realized that her own vanity had led to her downfall.


Days passed, and the crow kept thinking about the incident. She was ashamed of herself and felt that she had been a fool. She decided to seek advice from the wise old owl, who was known for his wisdom and knowledge.

The next day, the crow went to the owl and narrated the entire incident. The owl listened patiently and then said, "Dear crow, you should not be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn, so next time we wouldn't repeat them again."

The owl then advised the crow to be careful and not trust anyone who speaks sweetly to her. He also told her that it's always wise to be cautious and not let anyone take advantage of her.

The crow realized her mistake and learned a valuable lesson. From that day onwards, she was very careful and did not trust anyone blindly. She also became very cautious and would always look around before singing.

As for the fox, he continued to roam around the forest, looking for easy prey. But he soon realized that his reputation had spread, and none of the animals trusted him. He was left hungry and alone, regretting his actions.

 Moral of the story is that flattery can lead to one's downfall. It's always wise to be cautious and not let anyone take advantage of us. We should also learn from our mistakes so next time will not repeat them.

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