Gingerbread man

Gingerbread man 

It is a fairy tale story about a gingerbread man(also known as gingerbread boy) escape from various pursuers until his eventual demise between the jaws of a fox.

Once upon a time, in a small village, an old woman and her husband lived in a cozy little house. The old woman was happy and decided to bake a gingerbread man for her husband.

Gingerbread man

As she was mixing the ingredients, the gingerbread man suddenly sprang to life and hopped out of the oven. The old woman and her husband were stunned and tried to catch the gingerbread man, but he was too quick and escape from them.

He taunted as he ran out of the house kitchen and into the village."You can't catch me, I m the gingerbread man!".

The gingerbread man ran past farmers, bakers, and villagers, all of whom tried to catch him, but he was too fast. He continued running until he came across a group of animals - a cow, a horse, and a pig.

"Stop! Stop!" they cried. "We want to eat you!"

Gingerbread man

Gingerbread man laugh and said "You can't catch me, I am the gingerbread man!" and he running away down the road.

Soon, the gingerbread man saw a river ahead of him. He didn't know how to swim, but he saw a sly old fox lounging by the riverbank.

"Hey there, gingerbread man!" said the fox. "I can help you cross the river. Just hop on my back, and I'll take you to the other side."

Gingerbread man

The gingerbread man was hesitant, but the fox seemed friendly enough. So, he hopped on the fox's back, and the fox started swimming across the river.

But as they were crossing the river, the fox said, "You know, gingerbread man, you're so light that I might accidentally drop you in the water. Why don't you climb on my head instead?"

Gingerbread man

The gingerbread man was naïve and believed the fox's words. He climbed onto the fox's head, and as soon as they reached the other side of the river, the sly old fox opened his mouth and gobbled up the gingerbread man.

And it was the end of the gingerbread man life. He had been too arrogant and boastful, and it had led to his downfall.

Gingerbread man

The villagers learned a valuable lesson from the gingerbread man's story. They realized that it was important to be humble and not let pride get in the way of good judgment.

And as for the old woman and her husband, they never baked another gingerbread man again. They were content with their simple life and the memories of the lively little cookie that had once run amok in their kitchen.

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