The baby and the duckling

The Baby and the Duckling - An Unlikely Friendship

There was a baby and the duckling once who lived in a small village close to a pond. The infant would crawl out of his house every day and play with the ducks at the pond.


The infant witnessed a young duckling struggling to swim one day while playing with the ducks. The baby quickly reached out and pulled the duckling out of the water without a second thought. In this story the baby and the duckling. The baby duckling began to follow the baby wherever he went because it was so excited to be out of the water.

The baby and the duckling 

The duckling and the infant became best friends. They went through their days playing together, and the child would frequently impart his food to the duckling.

The duckling matured into a beautiful duck over time. It would circle the pond, but it would always come back to the infant. The infant would cheer the duck on whenever it took off because he or she enjoyed watching the duck fly.

The infant observed a group of ducks departing for a far away land one day. Although he was too small to fly, the infant desired to accompany them. The duckling decided to take matters into its own hands after observing the baby's disappointment. They took off together into the sky after it asked the infant to climb onto its back.

The baby and the duckling flew over oceans, rivers, and mountains before finally landing in a faraway land. They took in some of the most stunning sights they had ever seen.

The infant realized that it was time to return home as the sun began to set. The baby gave the duckling a big hug and thanked it for the amazing adventure as it flew the baby back to his house.

From that day on, the baby and the duckling were indistinguishable. They went on numerous more adventures together and came to be known as the village's best friends.

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