Golden axe warrior

Golden axe warrior 

Golden axe warrior


 Story of the golden axe warrior , once in a thick forest, there was a woodcutter named John who locked in every day. John was known for his validity and uprightness, and he was respected by everyone in his town.

Story of the woodcutter and the brilliant hatchet.

Eventually, while working in the forest area, John unexpectedly dropped his axe into the stream. He searched for his axe in the stream yet couldn't find it. Feeling hopeless, he plunked some place close to the riverbank and started to contemplate how he would get by without an axe.

Out of the blue, a great pixie appeared before him. The pixie asked John what was misguided, and he taught her in regards to his lost axe. The pixie had a disappointed outlook on him and decided to help him. She wandered into the stream and took out a golden axe. The pixie asked with respect to whether this was his axe, but John addressed that it was not his.

Golden axe warrior

The pixie then, took out a silver axe and asked regarding whether it was his. Again, John addressed that it was not his axe. Finally, the pixie took out an old and consumed axe, and John certified that it was his. The pixie was fascinated by John's reliability and trustworthiness and remunerated him by providing him with all of the three hatchets.

Golden axe warrior

John was excited and expressed thanks to the pixie for her liberality. He got back with the hatchets and showed them to his soul mate. His soul mate was surprised and thought about how he had run over such critical hatchets. John figured out everything for his life partner and promised to use the hatchets astutely.


The next day, John went to the forest area to cut wood, and he was astounded at how really the splendid axe cut through the trees. The silver axe was incredibly better, and it cut through the trees like a hot sharp edge through spread. Anyway, when John endeavored to use his old, consumed axe, it broke while cutting the essential tree.

John comprehended that reliability and genuineness are more huge than any material having a place. He understand that he had pursued the most ideal choice by being straightforward with the pixie, and it had repaid him with two significant hatchets. From that day on, John continued to attempt earnestly and was reliably genuine and legit in the whole of his dealings.

The story of the golden axe warrior  teaches us that validity and decency are limitless goals. They are more huge than any material having a place and can get us phenomenal awards life.


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